Fellowship Details

Fellowship Name
Bear River Group
Address 1
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State / Province
United States
Alma 4:1Now I would that ye should understand that the word of God was liberal unto all, that none were deprived of the privilege of assembling themselves together to hear the word of God. Nevertheless, the children of God were commanded that they should gather themselves together oft, and join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare of the souls of those who knew not God.T&C Section 86:29Therefore, verily I say unto you my friends, call your solemn assembly as I have commanded you, and as all have not faith, seek diligently and teach one another words of wisdom, yea, seek out of the best books words of wisdom. Seek learning, even by study and also by faith. Organize yourselves, prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a House of God, that your incomings may be in the name of the Lord, that your outgoings may be in the name of the Lord, that all your salutations may be in the name of the Lord with uplifted hands unto the Most High.This is an experiment. As is any movement without institutional controls and the liberty wherewith men and women are allowed to choose how they govern, organize, and worship. The purpose of this fellowship is to establish something that follows a pattern. Starting with the three pillars of the completed house of God; a house of prayer, a house of fasting, and a house of learning. That can hopefully grow into something yet to be seen, but only with an eye of faith. We meet the first Sunday of each month in a prayer meeting. Where each takes a turn in prayer, when all have prayed the meeting is concluded. The 3rd Sunday of each month we hold a scripture meeting. Where we take turns reading the scriptures out loud. Discussions will be as the spirits directs.Each person is invited to come to these meetings, using their own discretion, as a fast meeting. Meetings will start at 4 P.M. All baptized believers are invited to participate as this is not to supplement any sacrament meetings you might attend. Anyone not baptized or from any religious background is also welcome to come and join. Baptisms can be provided free of any charge to anyone desiring so.We will let the spirit dictate if we are to perform baptisms and/or partake of the sacrament. The meetings will be held outside (weather permitting) right by the Bear River. (updated as of 7-23-19)
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