Fellowship Details

Fellowship Name
Grand Junction Fellowship
Address 1
2793 Cheyenne Drive
Address 2
Grand Junction
State / Province
United States
We are a large family in Orchard Mesa dedicated to following Jesus Christ. We welcome fellow believers in Christ, and others interested in learning more about God's restoration of Israel now underway, and the New covenant he has offered in our day.

We primarily fellowship once a month with other families in Delta county, but we are happy to open our home to newcomers. We believe that by focusing on what we have in common, we can worship God together with other Christians despite doctrinal differences. We attend several different local Christian churches and enjoy their worship services and inspirational messages. We seek to be of one heart, but not yet of one mind.

Our home is open for gospel conversation on Wednesday mornings. We seek greater understanding of God and his will for us in our daily walk. His words are what we feast on!

Our family embraces the Book of Mormon as well as the Bible as the source of divine truth. We accept Joseph Smith as a legitimate prophet sent by God, but we believe the church he left behind when he was martyred embraced polygamy and then tried to pin it on him to legitimize their sins. We are opposed to polygamous teaching. We are opposed to institutional churches as the source of authority and truth. We believe that each of us is responsible for our own connection with God. We believe that God desires for us to be of one heart, so that someday HE can lead us to be of one mind with him.
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